A nyelv népszerűségének köszönhetően manapság nem nehéz angol fordítókra bukkanni, ezt nem is próbáljuk tagadni. Egy kitűnő angol fordításhoz azonban kitűnő fordítóra van szükség, belőlük pedig már annál kevesebb van. Sok fiatal hajlamos „alábecsülni” az angol nyelvet pusztán megtanulhatóságának vélt vagy valós egyszerűsége miatt. A kellő odafigyelés, tanulmányi háttér és alázat nélkül amatőr szintű fordítások készülnek, ez pedig hatalmas veszélyeket rejt.
Az F&T fordítóiroda fordítói között csak és kizárólag kipróbált, tapasztalt, képzett angol fordítók kapnak helyet. Angol fordításaik minden esetben tökéletes precizitással, továbbá átlagon felüli gyorsasággal készülnek el. Ezt a fordítás átnézése követi, amely során az esetleges elírások, hibák kerülnek kiszűrésre, mindez annak érdekében, hogy Ügyfelünk a tökéletes angol fordításhoz jusson.
Our team of translators consists of only tested, trained and experienced professionals, and as such their work is always done accurately, with high precision, and on time.
Without a doubt, English is currently the most important world-language. Although it is only the third on the list when it comes to the number of individuals speaking it (with variations of Chinese and Spanish in the lead), in terms of international communication and the world of economy, English clearly is the leader. Thanks to history, the language is used in 110 countries - almost double the number of nations using Arabic, which is 60. Moreover, it goes to prove the importance of this fine language, that at the moment more than 1.5 billion people are learning it world-wide. Based on these, we can safely say that in our globalizing era, the role of English will only strengthen in the near-future. Given all this, it’s not that surprising that we pay special attention to English translations provided by our firm.
Due to the popularity of the language, finding a translator isn't all that difficult nowadays. However, for a proper translation, one has to find a proper translator; and there are a lot less of those around. Members of the younger generations tend to underestimate the English language solely because of its either real of imagined simplicity. Without the required thoroughness, proper training and practice, amateur translations are born - and that poses a real danger to all parties involved.
Among the translators of the F&T Translation Agency, you will only find skilled, experienced and tried English translators. Their work is executed with careful precision and accuracy, and above-average speed. Once their job is done, the process continues by correcting the possible typos and mistakes, all in order to make sure our client gets a flawless translation in the end.
We can help in providing certified translations of official documents, contracts, corporate and personal papers, and many more similar projects.
We are able to provide English-Hungarian translations in nearly every imaginable field, with excellent quality. The specialty of English-Hungarian translations, to the relief and benefit of our client, is the difference in the lenght of texts. Any given English document will most likely end up being longer when translated to Hungarian. Since we calculate our prices based on the length of the original document, our clients will technically get more for their money!
Compared to the previous category, these translations usually tend to be more difficult, taking up more time. In our team, only those translators undertake projects like this, who speak English on a native level, thus guaranteeing a translation that is fully correspondent to the original.
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