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There is no need to waste words on this matter, numbers can do the job for us; more than 410 million people speak Spanish as their native tongue, and 90 million more as a second language. 21 country uses it as their official language, mostly in South America. Spanish is the native language of 38 million people in the US, and in the EU the number is around 46 million.
Our Spanish translator team has been expanded by highly trained individuals in the fields of finance, law and engineering as well. On top of these, we also undertake the translation of certificates, corporate and personal documents, contracts and other official papers, be it from or to Spanish.
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Our highly trained translators have a deep understanding of the different dialects and regional idiosyncrasies, which is why they can prepare the accurate and precise translation of general texts and documents. Naturally, the translation of special, professional documents is also something we have a great deal of experience in. Our colleagues check every Spanish-Hungarian and Hungarian-Spanish translation for potential errors, making sure the final product is without any mistakes. In case it is requested by our client, we can have a native lector go over the finished material as well.
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As we have mentioned before, Spanish is a widely spoken language both in Europe, and the Americas. Sadly, the many existing variations of the language make the process of translation a bit more difficult. The variations widespread throughout the South American continent differ not only in pronounciation, but grammatical structures as well from its European counterparts, requiring special attention from our translators. To make matters more complicated, we can bring up the three main dialects (northern, southern, and central), with noticable differences in the usage of idioms and terms.
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Az angol és a német után a spanyol a harmadik leggyakrabban tanult nyelv Európában. Ebből adódóan nem kifejezetten nehéz fordítókat találni, azonban megbízható, pontos és precíz spanyol fordítókat már annál inkább. Sok egyetemi végzetséggel bíró diák gondolja úgy, hogy pusztán felsőfokú spanyol nyelvvizsgája elegendő háttértudást biztosít spanyol szakszövegek magyarra fordítására. Az esetek többségében ez sajnos nem igaz, ezért fordítóirodánk csak és kizárólag kipróbált, megfelelő képesítéssel rendelkező fordítókat alkalmaz.
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